Differentiation with Technology

      In an online article published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ascd,

n.d.) about differentiated instruction and technology, the authors mention the 4Es (Equitable, Efficient,

Effective, Engaging) that should be considered when determining the use of technology in a lesson

(Kilbane and Milman, 2023). These 4Es were taken into consideration when creating a unit plan that

included technology in every lesson of a mini unit on the Voice as they prepare a play for performance. 

 In this particular class, there are no identified ELL or gifted learners, but there are 504s and IEPs. All lesson components have been planned with this in mine. On Day 1, in addition to seeing a video and/or reading an article about how the voice works, students will explore Pink Trombone, an interactive vocal tract that enables students to manipulate tongue and soft palate placement to see and hear how it affects vocal production (Imaginary Open Mathematics, n.d.). This follows the instructional component of learning about the basic anatomy and physiology of the voice through a video or article.  

On Day 2, the addition of using Nearpod as an entrance ticket (bell ringer, bell work, whatever name it has in other settings) to revisit important content from Day 1, was added.  Nearpod has a feature called Collaboration Board where students can reply to a prompt or question and a “note” posts to the board (Nearpod, n.d.).  The teacher is able to see the names of who is posting and how long it’s taking students to post.  As an added accommodation, students with IEP/504s or those who are known to need extra time will be told the prompt ahead of time so they have think time as they are settling in and retrieving computers from the cart. 

Day 3 has an exit ticket that uses a Google Form to gather data on critical content and find out what students still need or want to know, which can be addressed in future lessons or additional days added to the unit. This will be completed after students have given their presentations on the voice and prior to running Scenes 6 through the end.  Computers will already be out to present, so this limits loss of time when retrieving and returning computers to the cart. 

Other considerations that needed to be addressed were the practicality of using the technology and ensuring students are being appropriate.  Students are assigned a computer which has a number in the cart. They always use the same computer and sites are blocked that typically cause issues. Routines and procedures for computer use have already been established. Time limits to complete any technology components will help ensure that students stay engaged and intentional, as well.

The final consideration, actually considered at the beginning of planning, was the consideration of global awareness / diverse cultural perspectives. There are no ELLs in the class or it would be appropriate to find content - such as the article and video, available in whatever home language needed.  In terms of considering global awareness, speech is created the same by the body everywhere, but the way certain sounds are made is different based on geographical location. Discussing those differences as students are exploring Pink Trombone will be beneficial.  Questions such as, “If I say the words ‘Guten tag,’ ‘Good day’ in German, which parts of the vocal tract would be used?” will engage not only critical thinking but help students understand that while sound is created through the same process, speech is affected by a number of factors.  Since this is a mini unit, there would need to be other lessons on the voice and diction as part of a bigger unit if the standards call for it. 


Imaginary Open Mathematics. (n.d.). Pink Trombone. https://imaginary.github.io/pink-trombone/


Kilbane and Milman. (2023). Differentiated learning and technology: A powerful combination. Vol. 80. No. 9. ascd.org. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/differentiated-learning-and-technology-a-powerful-combination

Nearpod (n.d.) nearpod.com



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